State life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan.The tested and the trusted friend of many happy policy holders of Pakistan.
You may please book your order immediately before it is
too late.
We all know that State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is the largest life insurance company of Pakistan.For many years it has been serving the citizens of Pakistan.It has always looked after the interests of the policy holders.For The State Life (Remember it's not State Life,it is The State Life) the policy holder comes first.
اسٹیٹ لائف کی بیمہ پالیسی هر كز مہنگی نہیں - ہاں
اس كآ نه هو نا ایک دن مہنگا ضرور پڑ سكتا ہے_
The State Life is very keen, interested and enthusiastic to provide life insurance cover to each and every family of Pakistan.To achieve it.s mission The State Life has many creative and innovative plans. Our visitors may discuss different aspects of Life Insurance with
Ikram Ul Haq Mirz,
who is a
certified life insurance representative of The State Life.
Few of the many very popular life insurance plans are:
Endowment Life Assurance
Anticipated Endowment Plan
Child Protection Assurance
Jeevan Sathi Assurance
Shad Abad assurance
Committe Policy
Salary Saving Plan
Please discuss and open your account now with
The State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan.
The State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan.
اسٹیٹ لائف کی بیمہ پالیسی هر كز مہنگی نہیں - ہاں
اس كآ نه هو نا ایک دن مہنگا ضرور پڑ سكتا ہے_
Please feel comfortable and give him a call now.
skype statelifeonline
You may please book your order immediately before it is
too late.
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The secrets of making your life insurance policy more valuable at a a very low cost.
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