State Life's special plan for married people."JEEVAN SATHI MANSOOBA"
Many visitors ask this question.Which life insurance plan is best for married persons?
The answer to this question is very simple.
It depends upon the needs and wants of concerned couple.
If a couple wants to satisfy many of the wants and needs in minimum amount of premium then "JEEVAN SATHI MANSOOBA" is best for them.
Get this plan now.
Right from the comfort of your home.
لائف انشورنس پالیسی ہرگز مہنگی نہیں- ہاںاس کا نہ ہونا ایک دن مہنگا ضرور پڑسکتا ہے
The answer to this question is very simple.
It depends upon the needs and wants of concerned couple.
If a couple wants to satisfy many of the wants and needs in minimum amount of premium then "JEEVAN SATHI MANSOOBA" is best for them.
Get this plan now.
Right from the comfort of your home.
لائف انشورنس پالیسی ہرگز مہنگی نہیں- ہاںاس کا نہ ہونا ایک دن مہنگا ضرور پڑسکتا ہے
Get this plan now.Next year this special plan will be more costly.